Thursday, July 14, 2016

Harry Potter Moment of the Week #3 -Favorite Ginny Moment
Harry Potter Moment of the Week
started and hosted by Leah @ Uncorked Thoughts
& co-hosted by Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows

Favorite Ginny Moment?

Thing is, I feel like the best of Ginny is still to come for me. I anticipate I'll find an even more favorite moment before the end, but for right now, just starting Half-Blood Prince, I have to say my favorite Ginny moment shows up on the journey to the climax of Order of the Phoenix. Harry is desperate to get to the Department of Mysteries and equally determined to keep her, Neville, or Luna from coming along.

And she dishes it out to him.


"I've got a broom!" said Ginny.

"Yeah, but you're not coming," said Ron angrily.

"Excuse me, but I care what happens to Sirius as much as you do!" said Ginny, her jaw set so that her resemblence to Fred and George was suddenly striking.

"You're too-" Harry began.

"I'm three years older than you were when you first fought You-Know-Who over the Sorcerer's Stone," she said fiercely, "and it's because of me Malfoy's stuck back in Umbridge's office with giant flying bogeys attacking him-"

-Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, page 761
Buahahaha!!! I LOVE THIS CHICK!


  1. I LOVE HER too Amanda and I'm a huge fan of the moment you chose for here^^ You're right though: the best of Ginny is yet to come for you :D

  2. Yes, you still have some great moments to go!! I cannot WAIT until what you think after reading Half Blood Prince. It has quite a few differences from the movie. I think you honed in on a great one here though. Ginny's wondering what Harry's problem is. He really has no valid argument for her not to go and she has no problem letting him know that. I love that spunk :D

    1. I can't wait! Knowing that, it will be really interesting to watch the movie afterwards.

  3. Hahaha- Ginny really told Ron and Harry there! :D I also love the mention of her resemblance to Fred and George in that moment- great pick!

    1. Thanks! Honestly, every time they compare her to George and Fred is fantastic. ^_^

  4. Hahaha! I love Ginny and her Bat-boggy hex! I know Ron and Harry just wanted to keep her safe, but they weren't being reasonable and she totally puts them in their place. Great pick!

    1. Agreed! I can't wait to see what other hexes Ginny has up her sleeve. xD

  5. She's so fierce and independent. I love that she shuts both Ron and Harry down in such a short moment. I know they just wanted to protect her, but she's a force to be reckoned with all on her own. You have so many great Ginny moments to come! I can't wait for you to read them. :D

    1. She's fantastic! But she's learned from all the best, being last of the Weasleys. ^_^
